It almost doesn’t seem real that wedding season is over, and that holiday season is about to begin. As of yesterday, we have two weeks until Thanksgiving and we are so excited for a little R&R with our friends and family. And is it just us, or is Friendsgiving a holiday on the rise? If that’s the case, we are officially declaring this weekend the start of “Friendsgiving” season and are sharing our tips for how to pull off the perfect one!
Rule No. 1 – Always, always bring something. Even if you weren’t asked, even if you offered and were turned down, you have to bring something! If you don’t want to cram the kitchen with additional food, bring a candle or a bottle of wine, because we all know there is no such thing as too much wine. ;)
Rule No. 2 – Delegate. If you’re hosting, do not be afraid to take charge and be the master delegator. Make sure someone is in charge of appetizers, someone else dessert, and even assign someone to putting together a playlist!
Rule No. 3 – With that being said, if you’re in charge of appetizers or dessert, you better bring a dish that’s already ready to go. The hostess will not appreciate having to share the oven.
Rule No. 4 – Establish a dress code. Guests either have to agree to dress up, or agree to wear sweatpants.
Rule No. 5 – Don’t go crazy with decor. The point of Friendsgiving is for you to relax and have fun – do not stress over the perfect tablescape or most creative place card idea. Instead, you should be focusing on which games to play after dinner!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram to catch coverage of our last few weddings of 2015 this weekend and next weekend! We have a few more weddings until we are officially in holiday mode!!!
Photo Credits: Buzzfeed, Brit + Co., Beth Kirby, Beth Kirby Instagram,