Must-Take Wedding Day Instagrams via In Style. You know what you’ll be seeing on our Instagram this weekend! ;)
This Summer’s “It” Flower via Cupcakes & Cashmere. Love the idea of switching it up – we will keep our eye out from some Leucospermum cordifoliums this week! (Try saying that 5 times fast…)
The Difference Between New York and Paris Style via Madewell. This is our favorite article on the list! So interesting to see the difference between NY and Paris style.
Guest of the Wedding Outfits You’ll Wear Again and Again via Camille Styles. This guide is great for wedding guests all over the world!
Stylish Flats Under $100 via The Everygirl. Okay, this one might just be for our own personal reading list. Wedding season = constantly on the lookout for a great pair of flats.
Happy Friday, everyone!